You will have access to five sources of written material in this class.

The first is a commercial text called The Cosmic Perspective by Bennett, Donahue, Schneider and Voit.  I may occasional direct you to homework assignments there. More will be said about how you will gain access to those sections later. 

The second source is material I wrote in chapter form for the course.  Clicking on the link provided (Cosmology, Stellar Evolution and Relativity chapters) will take you to a Web page where those essays are provided in pdf form.  As we move into the semester, I would strongly suggest you download each chapter as we proceed. We will usually follow the order of topics presented in those offerings.

The third source is new this year. It is in the form of scanned articles I want you to read. Because they are copywrited materials, I am putting them in a "secret" folder--one that requires a password. More about this when the Tech guys get the details worked out.

The fourth source will come from selected chapters out of 13 Things That Don't Make Sense (look on the calendar for more info on that).

Lastly, there will be lab procedures provided for this class, but that material will be handed out in loose-leaf form in class.